Re: [LAU] what's up with midi clock

From: Gabriel M. Beddingfield <gabriel@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 29 2009 - 21:31:27 EEST

On Fri, May 29, 2009 12:50 pm, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> Long story short: I'm writing a osc2midi_clock script in chuck for
> controlling sooperlooper from incomming osc messages. I have no
> experience with midi clock so I had to play around with it. The
> following seems to work (T for time messges (0xf8), S for start (0xfa),
> x23 means "repeat 23 times"):
> S Tx23 S Tx23 S etc.
> It even works to the point that I can throw in clients at any time,
> since the start messages resets the clock every quarter note. The two
> clients I checked with are sooperlooper and renoise.

I think all the extra 'S' messages aren't necc. Start and Stop are
supposed to be transport controls, not synchronization messages. Also,
Start is not a substitute for a clock pulse. The start message means
"start on the next clock pulse (T)."

So, I think the MIDI creators intended this:

S Stop
  T T T T T T T T .....

It presumes that none of the T's will be dropped and that everyone is
working off the same score. But, for your purposes, you might try the S
Tx24 like this:

 T T T T .... T T T T .... T T T T

That is, your T's happen at the right time, and the synchronization
attempt with 'S' would precede the synchronization T pulse.

I have a hardware synth that's constantly sending out the T, but never
sends S.


               G a b r i e l   M   B e d d i n g f i e l d
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Received on Sat May 30 00:15:03 2009

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