Re: [LAU] what's up with midi clock

From: Gabriel M. Beddingfield <gabriel@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 30 2009 - 16:03:28 EEST

On Fri, May 29, 2009 2:33 pm, Atte André Jensen wrote:
>> S S S
>> T T T T .... T T T T .... T T T T
> As mentioned the two clients I test against misbehaves with this,
> running at 116-117 bpm instead of 112.

I did some playing with sooperlooper, and I think it's calculating the
tempo correctly based on the clock pulses that you feed it. So, if you
get a different tempo... then you're T's aren't spaced right.

I would also try it _without_ the S.

When playing with it, I surprisingly had a hard time getting my midi clock
pulses to send out with the right timing.

> Maybe I should stop thinking so much and just hack away something that
> works for exactly my purpose (I only need to sync with sooperlooper),
> however wrong (according to the standard) it is.
> Still, I'd be interrested in any input, though...

Doesn't sooperlooper sync to the JACK transport? (It does on my machine.)
 If it were me, I would try that route rather than midi clock. :-)

               G a b r i e l   M   B e d d i n g f i e l d
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat May 30 16:15:07 2009

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