Re: [LAU] what's up with midi clock

From: Jesse Chappell <jesse@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 31 2009 - 04:09:29 EEST

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield
<gabriel@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Does sooperlooper respond to Song Position Pointer (0xF2) and/or MIDI Continue
> (0xFB)?  You may be able to sync time using these instead of Song Start (0xFA).
>  Song Position Pointer sends a 14-bit song position, followed by a MIDI
> Continue which means ("start playing at that spot on the next clock tick").  The
> 14-bit song position is in "MIDI beats" since the beginning of the song.  6 MIDI
> Clocks == 1 MIDI beat.

SL does not respond to SPP, but it probably should.

> Also, I noticed that sooperlooper is determining tempo by some manner of rolling
> average calculation.  (Maybe it doesn't, but that's the way it *acts*.)  If so,
> that makes it even harder to get sooperlooper to sync to a downbeat.

It does indeed determine the displayed tempo by a rolling average, but
for sync purposes it responds immediately upon receipt of the relevant
clock ticks.

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Received on Sun May 31 04:15:03 2009

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