Re: [LAU] recording my new band

From: Loki Davison <loki.davison@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 18 2009 - 03:07:16 EEST

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Arnold Krille<arnold@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Monday 10 August 2009 07:15:59 Loki Davison wrote:
>> I'll probably pic up the presonus or behringer adat mic pre to add to
>> my echo gina.
> Do yourself a favour and get the presonus...
> Arnold
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I ended up going for a 3rd option :)

3 Beyerdynamic opus 83 (pencil condensers) mics to add to my 1 stedman
large condenser.

For the preamp i got an SM pro ep84. Pretty cheap on ebay, and a
company from Melbourne, Australia so I can go around and complain if
it's not great ;)
ADAT option to plug into my echo Gina.

Hopefully the preamp will turn up today so I can try recording the
band. The Beyerdynamic mic's sound fantastic so far. They sound really
clear, crisp and balanced recording my Collings acoustic. From a quick
comparison I think I prefer them over my much more expensive Stedman
large diaphragm condenser. Though I think the Stedman suits vocals

I have one art tube MP preamp, Should I run the vocal mic through
this or will the solid state sm pro pre's sound much nicer anyway?

Thanks everyone for the great advice!

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Received on Tue Aug 18 04:15:04 2009

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