sonofzev@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I've released some more music, mixed with Ardour...
> Here's an interview where I give the community a small plug..
Nice :) It sounds like there's a few of us Melbournians kicking around
on the list.
Can I ask how you fit Ardour and your MPC together in your workflow? So
far I've been using Ardour to record and either Rosegarden or Qtractor
to sequence my synths (some software, but mainly my Blofeld), usually
just a part at a time. Do you do something similar with the MPC for
sequencing when recording, or is it mainly for live use?
> Also coming soon.. a remix I did in Ardour has made it VINYL.. yes vinyl ... I
> will post more around the release date.. However, it will be easier to get in
> Europe than in Australia.. so those of you with record players may like it for
> your collection..
> cheers
> Allan
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Received on Tue Sep 1 12:15:01 2009
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