Atte Andre Jensen wrote:
> Grammostola Rosea wrote:
>> And why do you use Chuck Atte?
> At first I was fascinated by the live coding capabilities, but in the
> end I never practiced enough to actually be able to do it live :-(
> What kept me in the loop was the very clear and well laid out
> documentation which in some way fitted well with where I came from in
> programming.
> What I love now are the algorithmic possibilities and the fact it's so
> easy to build your environment with OOP.
> However I'm reaching the limits performance wise. I almost finished a
> csound backend for my setup that let's me migrate cpu heavy parts (only
> sound generation) to csound. That might be my future solution.
> Otherwise I sometimes wish I learned supercollider in stead, since it
> seems to perform better and has some nifty tricks up its sleeve. I study
> supercollider in my spare time, but my live setup in chuck works and
> migrating 2 hours of interactive, algoritmic music is not a quick task
> however sleek the environment or how well you know it :-(
And why don't you use puredata, with csound for example?
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Received on Fri Sep 11 16:15:01 2009
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