2009/11/1 nepal <nepal.roade@email-addr-hidden>
> On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 16:57:03 -0700
> Bob van der Poel <bob@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Hi guys. I know this is a bit off topic, but I'm getting frustrated
> > beyond belief trying to get reasonable results from my DVD drives with
> > a newly installed ubuntu 9.10
> >
> > The drives are both connected to a PATA interface (the only one on the
> > MB). My hard drives are all SATA.
> >
> > All worked just fine on previous MBs and linux versions. Lastly had
> > Ubuntu 8.04 running.
> >
> > My problem is that I know have very jerky video playback and slow
> > seeks and crashes. I've tried mplayer, totem and vlc. Vcl seems to
> > work best, but it's no star on this system.
> >
> > I've tried uninstalling pulseaudio, but that makes no difference.
> >
> > I've done a lot of reading of similar problems, but nothing seems to
> > vector in on this. The ubuntu forms haven't been much help either ...
> > just a lot of suggestions on trying different players, and installing
> > libcss2, etc. That doesn't seem to be the problem.
> >
> > My guess is that it's a IRQ or DMA problem. I have no idea how to
> > diagnose this or fix.
> >
> > So ... any ideas here????
> >
> >
> The only suggestion I can come up with is in the past with 'weird'
> problems of playback to check what dvd device is being pointed to in
> the settings. i.e. /dev/dvd.
> Note I have kubuntu 9.10 installed on a separate partition and am using
> ubuntu 9.04 here. This works fine but I have issues with nvidia and
> 9.10 that I have not solved yet. One thing I am going to try is using
> the xorg.conf file from 9.04 for the 9.10 installation see if that
> helps, but I would check your /dev first. Had lots of problems in the
> past because of that not being named correctly. (and no sorry, I don't
> know what it should be) mine here according to vlc is
> /dev/sr1
> which I am surprised to find. But vlc plays everything without
> problems so...
> nepal.
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/dev/{dvd,cdrom} are symlinks to your actual device, i.e /dev/sr{0..}
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Received on Sun Nov 1 16:15:02 2009
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