Dave, thank you very much for your opinions and proposals.
About "flute/piccolo/whistle instrument" - it was cheap made-in-china
recorder and may be it was some lightweight for this piece, but I try
to learn for play on this instrument and try to understand it's
applicability in future pieces.
About coda - ooh... You pretty right. I producing/performing this
piece and anything else from December, 2007(personal troubles, life
changes and so on) and I just feel done up. I must pass it on.
How do You thinking I should to change "dynamics/balance"?
2009/11/1 Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>:
> Oleg Ivanenko wrote:
>> I've recently finished long-awaited(for me) instrumental composition
>> (http://www.archive.org/download/IFlying/Ash_Ya_Lechu_I_Flying_986.mp3)
>> and need your opinions about it. If you please, tell me about my
>> composition/arrangement/performance/mastering etc mistakes.
> Hi Oleg,
> A few comments:
> The flute/piccolo/whistle instrument doesn't add anything structurally. The
> piece is clearly focused on the guitar sounds, I think I'd like it better if
> the flute sound was replaced by another guitar part.
> I wanted to hear some more significant crescendi. I think you could vary the
> surface of the piece by playing with dynamics more. (I was going to say
> "playing with dynamic curves" but I don't want to tempt my fellow LAUyers).
> The individual parts are well-composed and nicely performed. Some more
> touches in the dynamics and balances might give it a little more intensity.
> Btw, I listened to it on headphones, perhaps my critique will change when I
> can play it on the main speakers here.
> Best,
> dp
-- Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash [if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny] _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sun Nov 1 16:15:03 2009
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