Hi, Julien! Many thanks for opinion.
What kind of solo sound You visualize in this piece? Can You provide
info about similar band/song?
About drums -- thanks, I should think over your proposals. Drums was
made in Hydrogen, so any changes is possible :)
Thank you once more for good words about my work.
2009/11/1 Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de>:
> Hello Oleg!
> Thanks for sharing this tune. For my taste there's enough change in it, of
> course some vocals or another, a different solo sound/style would't have
> heard, but that's just it: taste.
> When it comes to sound: I like the recorder there, some time, since I've
> worked with one. But I don't know, especially soprano recorders are dificult
> to please. Perhaps some chorus (carefully and softly), a bit more reverb
> perhaps. Even better, a second recorder. I was once told, to record a
> recorder farther away from the microphone.
> It would also have been nice, if the drums would change, especially when
> you go back to the tonica, at the end of the melody. I imagined something
> like bassdrum and the crash cymbal only on each new chord, just before the
> tonica, perhaps some hihats in between or toms. But clearly a break. It
> would have made a nice break there and signalled a new part. It would have
> been a bit of the (un)expected and new there.
> As a drum lover I'd again say: perhaps try te combination of reverb and
> after the reverb a compressor on the snare. do you get the snaredrum on a
> jack-port of it's own? If so, you might try some experiments with that, if
> you do some electric guitar, heavier sound again. The snare gets bigger that
> way, a bit more forcefull.
> I do like your performance, don't see a hitch there. Nothing, that would
> have been disturbing. I'm not that much into mastering, so I keep out of
> that. I think it might somehow have sounded a bit stronger, more clearly
> defined. But from personal experience with our band, I know, that this takes
> loads of trial and error. I wouldn't know myself, how to get it right.
> All in all: a good piece! Would be good to hear more from you.
> Kindest regards
> Julien
> --------
> Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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-- Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash [if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny] _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sun Nov 1 20:15:01 2009
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