The OP has a very good point. GIG is moribund; there's almost no free
content. There was a great orchestral brass section that I used once
and can no longer find. Very sad.
On 11/1/09, Q <lists@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Julien Claassen wrote:
>> Hello Lorenzo!
>> For the GigaSampler there were a few Garritan products, I seem to
>> remember,
>> that they were quite nice. they definitely had some strings,I know one of
>> the
>> LinuxSampler guys used those strings in a piece.
>> Beyond that: I know, that sampletekk has a nice set of orchestral
>> brass,
>> which suite me fine, even for not so orchestral work. But then I'm
>> stomped.
>> There should be a second hand market for the old GigaSampler/GigaStudio
>> products, which have gone out of sale.
>> Besides that I'd say Wine and VSTIs, or perhaps someone has experience
>> with
>> Kontakt samples, they are en vogue now, I believe.
>> Kindest regards
>> Julien
> Hi
> If Sampletekk's pianos are anything to go by (I own their Black Grand,
> White Grand and White Sister), their other instruments should be stunning.
> There are some orchestral Giga format samples out there under the name
> Prosonus. I believe they are quite old. I've read reviews that suggest
> they are okay (i.e. by no means great but not atrocious) and that's the
> experience I've had with the one subset I got (orchestral percussion and
> harp, but I desperately needed a cheap harp, plus celeste, tubular bells
> and glockenspiel always come in handy).
> Just doing a quick googling, I turned up a 5-CD orchestral set, but it's
> a fairly hefty $295, here's the link:
> I've just found that same set on a different site for $198, along with
> quite a few other Giga format sets:
> ...and you can find all the Giga samples from the dropdown menu.
> I'm sure there'll be other stuff out there.
> Cheers
> Q
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