On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:01 AM, drew Roberts <zotz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 November 2009 11:49:47 Mark Knecht wrote:
>> Even non-GPL LinuxSampler won't help you if you can't buy
>> samples anymore...
> Any thoughts on a collective fund to create Free and perhaps copyleft?
> samples?
> Perhaps an angle would be that they are available gratis with a copyleft
> license or for sale with some sort of royalty free license and those funds
> could be used to fund the creation of more sample libraries...
> Who knows what the economics of the creation of sample libraries are like?
The economics on things like orchestral instruments and pianos -
really anything that is touch sensitive - is brutally bad, hence why
the Vienna stuff is so expensive. If they could record, cut, arrange
and master 800,000 samples and sell it for $199 I'm sure they would as
the market would be huge. The problem is it takes a huge amount of
time and it's really hard to get every sample to have the right
volumes and styles, etc., so that they sound good together. What
violin? What cello? What french horn or tuba? Who plays them? What's
the environment? Close mic'ed? Or distanct with room reverb? Brutal
I know one of the guys that does piano sampling. He uses mechanical
'fingers' driven by a computer to get the same pressure, velocity,
etc., so that you can work day by day and get consistent results.
Still takes months.
Things like the synth gigs that I have are a lot more reasonable and
hence the prices were quite reasonable.
When you stop and figure out what Vienna is actually doing $13K might
be a reasonable price. It's just out of line for hobbyists and budding
- Mark
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 5 00:15:01 2009
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