On Sunday 08 of November 2009 16:53:51 Martin Homuth-Rosemann wrote:
> if you compare figure 37 and 39 you'll see the difference. I've
> soldered the two resistors 27k and 13k and the diode D1 directly onto
> the IC1 (these 4 devices are SMD parts - I had to use a magnifying
> glass an a very fine pitch soldering iron) and made connections to
> pin 3, 10, 11 and 28 of pcm2902. This "piece of crap" is fixed with
> hot glue and I'm done.
> You can substitute the voltage regulator by any other low drop type -
> the enable input isn't imperative. The pcm2902 codec needs about
> 3.6..4.0 volts at pin 10 to override it's internal voltage source.
> Good luck.
Thanks, from those schematics the difference it pretty obvious, and the
modification doesn't seem too difficult. I'm not so sure about the SMD
soldering part yet, but I'll give it a try.
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Received on Mon Nov 9 04:15:03 2009
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