> On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 16:53:31 +0100 (CET)
> karl@email-addr-hidden (Karl Hammar) wrote:
> > Would a network connection solve that problem?
> > In that case the DACs and ADCs could reside on an embedded computer
> > and stream the sound data to/from the pc. And one could envision
> > such little things near each mic and ethernet cables or possible wifi
> > to the control room.
> Ethernet looks interesting, and I know there is stuff out there, but
> have no idea what latency and timing issues there may be. I would
> imagine syncing multiple 'drops' to a stable clock might be problematic.
Lets say we have pc <> switch <> lots of network boards for a single mic
PC could broadcast the clock to all micboards and the would hopefully
arrive without noticeable skew or jitter. And the micboards could
answer with that timestamp and the converted value. In this case
the PC requests each sample one at a time from all micboards.
Would that be good scheme?
A simple ping here, has a rund trip time of 0.25 to 0.8 ms depending
on end equipment.
Karl Hammar Aspö Data karl@email-addr-hidden
Lilla Aspö 148 Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar +46 173 140 57 Computers
Sweden +46 70 511 97 84 Consulting
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 9 04:15:03 2009
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