> Karl Hammar wrote:
> > In [5], they seem to get <10us offset from a master within 2minutes
> > converging time. [6] gives a little different picture.
> You can get much better performance than that.
Ok, pointers?
> >> It would be nice to allow synchronisation of several devices via the
> >> network connection. This transport medium typically has a lot of jitter
> >> (even an unloaded gigabit system can be above 50µsec), however, the
> >> jitter of typical AD/DA converters should be in the order of
> >> nanoseconds.
> > Do you (or anyone else) know the maximum allowable jitter useful for
> > audio?
> It is defined in AES-3.
Hmm, their complete standard set is USD500 [1], so someone else has
to help with that information.
I think my part in this will be to make the cpu part and a rudimentary
8-channel card. Then someone else has to provide expertise to make it
[1] http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/
Karl Hammar Aspö Data karl@email-addr-hidden
Lilla Aspö 148 Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar +46 173 140 57 Computers
Sweden +46 70 511 97 84 Consulting
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Received on Fri Nov 13 16:15:05 2009
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