> Anyway, this is not about your personal preferences. Bottom posting is
> the accepted norm here and not doing so breaks consistency and I
> consider it disrepectful.
Come on don't be so 'extreme'! This attitude eventually drives people
away from linux, linux-audio and whatever... That way you'll drive them
to the welcoming, warm, shiny, comfy mac mailing lists and fora :)
> http://www.idallen.com/topposting.htm
So what? This website uses tables for making the menus, uses HTML strict
but then doesn't validate on the W3C.. Should it be some virtuous example?
We're all humans, let's try and be as tolerant with others as we would
like with ourselves: I think this really is the spirit of positive
diversity and plurality in a community like the linux one.
Al the best,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 12 12:15:02 2009
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