On mĺndag 16 november 2009 08:56:03 Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Lorenzo wrote:
> > But seriously, what is the current realistic alternative to Flash for
> > embedding audio/video content on web pages?
> Although I honestly respect the opinions of people disliking flash, I
> tend to agree. The other real alternative is direct download and the
> benefits of what bandcamp offers are great for the "provider" (in this
> case me), the possibility of easy donation, the spread the word on
> facebook/twitter feature, the selection of download formats, the
> scalability (bandwidth) and more.
> I'm still listening to any opinion, though, that's why I asked :-)
Although I never seen or used Bandcamp before this is my take on it after
fiddling with it for 45 minutes.
Bandcamp as a site which you refers to from another page seems to be ok. They
have nice featurs for download, sharing, and how to pay. Bandcamp itself do
not seem to have any search features to find music there. It has a page where
you see all the covers sorted by new or in alphabetic order. They seem to
solely rely on Google (which they also say in their FAQ) as the search engine.
But honestly, I'd like to have some way to find music through tags or other.
So. As a site to promote your music, I wouldn't use it. If I can't find music
that fits me in 45 minutes it isn't that good.
One good thing with Bandcamp is that if you Google for "andagt modlys" the
first hit is your bandcamp site. Another random test was "faking spins
marshall plan" and again it came up with bandcamp.
But Bandcamp my be in it's infant state so we might see more of them in the
future. Hopefully with more search features.
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