nescivi <nescivi@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> Doesn't solve the issue with [..] YouTube
Actually, gnash has been working for years with youtube. It just stopped
1 week ago, because youtube changed the player to version 10 or
something. Gnash played it, but it did have audio glitches on quite a
few videos.
If it is an important video, you can use youtube-dl or cclive, which
just downloads the video. Then you can watch it with any media player,
like mplayer.
-- Esben Stien is b0ef@email-addr-hidden s a http://www. s t n m irc://irc. b - i . e/%23contact sip:b0ef@ e e jid:b0ef@ n n _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Wed Nov 18 04:15:03 2009
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