Actually I don't have the turtles file for them in none of the two files.
Even if I try to add them manually, the host doesn't get them.
From: Nedko Arnaudov <>
To: Marco Castorina <marco.castorina@email-addr-hidden>
Cc: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
Sent: Wed, 18 November, 2009 11:09:38
Subject: Re: [LAU] Zyn not recognised
The plugin cache, the result of plugin rescan is stored in the home
If you grep them for "zyn" you should have two lines in zynjacku cache,
one for zynadd.ttl and one for mainfest.ttl. In lv2rack cache, you
should have not zyn lines. The cache files are text files lines
containing paths of turtle files that relevant to plugins sutiable for
Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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Received on Wed Nov 18 16:15:03 2009
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