Bandcamp looks cool..
However it's a lot of work to maintain your own site e.t.c.. but they offer a
great service... I would definitely buy stuff from people who use them..
I still prefer to work through a label (I currently have been releasing through
IF? Records and Elektrax Music), albeit very small and independent, but they are
prepared to devote time to promotion image e.t.c... which between my full time
work and trying to produce music I don't have the time to do...
On Wed Nov 18 21:09 , Robert Jonsson sent:
>Hi Atte,
>2009/11/18 Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
>To bring the original topic back:
>Would you then buy something off bandcamp (provided the thing you were
>looking for was available there)?
>There you can have flac, but would the flashplayer (I assume it's flash,
>here it Just Works) throw you off?
>NB: I'm trying to talk you into buying my stuff, I'm just talking in a
>general sense, trying to understand peoples motivations.
>Not sure it was a general question but it does deserve a general reply.
>The answer for me is probably no. I guess I am getting old.
>I do buy lots of physical media, cds, but I have a really hard time convincing
myself to buy stuff distributed purely electronically... it just feels so...
fragile. Like what I'm about to buy is just air...
>Though, since many of these services are free to use, bandcamp, thesixtyone,Â
slice the pie ( bandcamp is free right?), I don't see the harm in investing some
time in putting up music there.
>I would however additionally setup an "own" page where you offer to sell
physical cds and link this from the respective sites. Not that I have, but I would ;)
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