Patrick Shirkey:
> There is no Linux Audio Software Developers list and likewise no Linux
> Audio Hardware Developers list.
> The LAD list is meant for advanced technical discussions whereas the LAU
> list is meant for the discussions that don't fit into advanced technical
> realm.
> Prior to LAU list being setup everything was discussed on LAD which made
> it LAD and LAU combined. The noise ratio crept up as the user issues
> started creeping in.
LAD seems to be a good place, I'll make questions there when I have
any. Anyone else is free to make an announcement.
Karl Hammar Aspö Data karl@email-addr-hidden
Lilla Aspö 148 Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar +46 173 140 57 Computers
Sweden +46 70 511 97 84 Consulting
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 23 20:15:03 2009
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