Nick Copeland:
> Adrian Knoth:
> > I'm also somewhat interested in the network part, I feel IPv6 could help
> > a lot. It supports autoconfiguration and it has decent multicast
> > support, so it would be possible to broadcast/multicast the streams on
> > the net (LAN). This could be useful if you want to access the stream at
> > a mixing console for a life setup and simultaneously record it on a
> > computer.
> Put another way, it would be far more compatible if this were done over
> an IP stream rather than any native ethernet stream, not least it could use
> any ethernet driver that linux supports rather than a small subset of them.
Ack, a standard ip-stream is a sensible first choise.
> Perhaps the project needs to be specified with regards to its goals?
My goals is "just" to extend another project (industrial i/o).
What would your goals be ?
Shall we decide on a single mailing list ?
Karl Hammar Aspö Data karl@email-addr-hidden
Lilla Aspö 148 Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar +46 173 140 57 Computers
Sweden +46 70 511 97 84 Consulting
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Nov 24 12:15:09 2009
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