On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Atte André Jensen
<atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> How did you go about that? Wire the output renoise into a bus in ardour,
> and the output of ardour into jamin?
The vocal tweaking was done separately from the final render. Brought
the files in, did a little bit of time correction, and then recorded
into one of the Renoise input busses.
When I did the final render, I exported the whole track in Renoise and
then just brought the .wav into Ardour. Didn't want to have to deal
with more trouble than I needed to.
Jamin was set up as an insert on the Ardour master channel so I could
just export it with Ardour and have it all process through Jamin on
the render.
> Sounds good. I feel the bassdrum is too loud (2 db or so), would that
> kill the track on a club system?
It's entirely possible. It sounds alright to my ears and on the
systems I've played it on, but I could very well have mixed that in
too loud. Thanks for the feedback, I'll go back and have a closer
It's good to see you around these parts, Atte! You may remember me
from the cSound/blue camp as filterchild.
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Received on Mon Nov 30 12:15:05 2009
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