On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 4:22 AM, Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de> wrote:
> Hello Will!
> Thanks for posting this. I must say I didn't enjoy club music since the mid
> to later 90s. But this was good. Good and crunchy sounds. And the rhythms in
> the seperate instruments were catching and well delivered.
Ah, thanks so much! The track grew fairly organically, and many of
the sections just took on their own sound and left me sitting in the
middle wondering how it was all going to fit together. I think it all
came together pretty well and I'm glad to hear that you think the
> From what I occasionally hear of the newer club mixes, the sounds are too
> strange and mostly without bite to my ears. Really very nicely done! I'll
> keep that for revisiting, for whenever I have my clubby phases. :-)
I can definitely sympathize with you there.
Dance/trance/house/whatever was the open door into electronic music
for me, but I've become distanced from it lately as well. I can't
even stand to listen to most of the new tracks coming out. This remix
was very much a foray into the genre after having gone off my own way
for quite some time, and I think the end result shows a lot of that.
Indeed, thanks for the feedback, and I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed it!
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Received on Mon Nov 30 12:15:06 2009
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