Re: [LAU] Music made with linux - Den yndigste rose er funden

From: Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 30 2009 - 22:27:44 EET

Julien Claassen wrote:

> thanks for sharing this. It's clearly your hand and that's a
> compliment.

Hmmm. I feel traped in one style, just by you mentioning that :-)

The borders of this project, modlys, are somehow getting clearer the
more I work with it. I've done about 50 tunes (including crappy ones I
threw away) by now, and I'm still experimenting with what works and what
doesn't, but three things are almost certain:

1) Vocals by my wife, Britt.

2) The music should be meditative with a certain beauty.

3) The music should still have some "edge", to keep (at least my) interest.

2) means that extreme explosions and digital blowups (that I absolutely
love) have to be avoided. 1) means that I'm constantly fighting the old
pop song structure.

Well, sorry for the above thoughts if they seem out of place, I
appreciate your feedback, it's always good to think (at least) twice
about everything.

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Received on Tue Dec 1 00:15:02 2009

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