On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 08:28:26AM +0100, Lorenzo wrote:
> I'm sure some SoX (http://sox.sourceforge.net/Main/HomePage) sorcery can
> do it.
> Quoting from the SoX documentation, under 'Input File Combining':
> [...] f the `merge' combining method is selected, then two or more input
> files must be given and will be merged together to form the output file.
> The number of channels in each input file need not be the same. A merged
> audio file comprises all of the channels from all of the input files;
Thanks, that seems to do it!
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [LAU] Command line to combine stereo WAV into 4-channel WAV?
> From: Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Date: 02/12/2009 7.21
>> Is there a bit of command-line-fu that could be used to combine two 2-channel WAV files into a single 4-channel WAV file? In batch (I have a bunch of these to convert).
>> I suppose I could load up Ardour, import the files into Ardour, make tracks for them, place them on the tracks, set my start and end markers, then export a mix.... btu there has to be a one-liner somewhere (sox? sndfile-convert? something?) that'll just do it.
>> Thanks.
>> -ken
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