Re: [LAU] Music made with linux: Modlys - Et barn er f�dt i Betlehem

From: Atte Andr� Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 13 2009 - 16:54:38 EET

Dave Phillips wrote:

> I agree with Julien's criticism. The song is fun, but those electro-drum
> sounds grate on my nerves. They always have, I've never had a taste for
> that sound.


I'm not totally 110% happy with them. Or, rather, they could sound
different, without that being a problem.

Some of your dislike may, as you suggest, simply be that you don't like
the style, some may be my take on it.

>> The voice effect sounds very late 90s early 2000s. Pitty you didn't
>> let up on it once. That would have set some accentuations.
> Again I agree with Julien on this point. Of course the matter is one of
> personal taste. I happen to prefer a relatively un-effected voice,
> especially a voice as good as your singer's.

The main reason for the heavy autotalent, was the fact that onprocessed,
"natural" vocals seemed out of place with the music. I ran out of time,
but I planned on using vocoder and amp simulations on the vocals too at
places to create a more diverse vocal track.

> Overall this one sounds like an experiment with a new approach to
> production. Keep at it, we're listening. :)

Thanks for your patience :-)

You're right, it's kinda an experiment. I might end up redoing the tune
with a totally different approach, but this is how it came out...

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Received on Sun Dec 13 20:15:01 2009

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