Re: [LAU] MIDI Playback freezes

From: Sean Corbett <seanbutnotheard@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 17 2009 - 23:10:55 EET

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Bob van der Poel <bob@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I see in my synaptic that there is also a 386 kernel ... would that be
> any better/worse? I'm running a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core
> Processor 4800+ . I think that when I installed ubuntu/karmic it
> picked the "generic" for me. Also see that there is a RT kernel in the
> repository. Anyone have comments on that choice?

The problem for me happened with both the -generic and -rt kernels, on
several different versions of Ubuntu, so I think it must have been
related to Ubuntu's kernel patches... beyond that I can't really
comment (especially since this could be a totally unrelated issue).

> In the meantime, I'll reboot with 15-generic and see if that works for
> a day or so...
> Also, can I download and run the 64 Studio or Arch kernels onto my
> existing karmic installation?

I know you can use the 64 Studio kernel on Ubuntu Hardy (8.10), but I
have not tried any other combinations (I've only tried the Arch kernel
under Arch itself). Maybe someone with a bit more kernel tinkering
background has some ideas? Might be a good chance to try rolling your
own kernel... I've been meaning to try it sometime too. From what
I've read it's not too tough... (famous last words)

> Thanks.
> --
> **** Listen to my CD at ****
> Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
> EMAIL: bob@email-addr-hidden
> WWW: �

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Received on Fri Dec 18 00:15:05 2009

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