Re: [LAU] And now... Beatrix + Aliki + JCONV = Muuaahahahaha!

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 25 2009 - 14:01:28 EET

Ken Restivo wrote:
> I'd imagine that not only Beatrix, but also AZR-3, or any other organ emulator, even an FM synth, would sound pretty good through Leslie impulses too.

Ken, thanks for the holiday gift item. :)

Me, I'm going to run my guitar through it. IIRC in Cream's Badge during
the lead the rhythm guitar plays through a Leslie. We used to do that on
a few songs, back in the day when I was young enough to move a B3 *and*
the Leslie cabinet.

Now I'd probably complain about the size of the EEE and why don't we
have roadies for that work. ;)



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Received on Fri Dec 25 16:15:02 2009

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