rosea grammostola wrote:
> Dunno if this is a stupid question or not, and just for orientation...
> Is it possible to make a sort of 'Ableton Live like setup' with audio
> synthesis languages like supercollider or pd?
I'm not really familiar with AL, but I've build a quite elaborate setup
with chuck. It's a bit in-between-version at the moment, since I'm
rewriting some parts.
It let's you do some really hip things (IMHO), like control the
meta-musical parameters like length-of-notes, atonality, height, stuff
like that, provided you build your patterns accordingly.
The only, but quite big (read huge, as in show stopper) problem is that
chuck is not really performing that well. I'm almost at the edge of what
is possible with chuck on my dual core 2.4Ghz laptop. I seem to be the
only chuck user needing more speed, so I kinda gave up on the whole
thing. I'm developing it further as I need, and waiting for other stuff
(like my DAW of choise, renoise) to be ready to live performances.
You're more than welcome to have a look, if you'd like...
NB: Here's a mobile phone (audio from the house PA) recording of my
setup at work:
Everything except the melodica and the bass is chuck. The vocals are
processed through chuck too.
-- Atte _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Tue Jan 5 00:15:02 2010
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