fredag 29 januari 2010 22:40:10 skrev Patrick Shirkey:
> On 01/30/2010 07:44 AM, Bengt Gördén wrote:
> > fredag 29 januari 2010 21:03:47 skrev Atte André Jensen:
> >> david wrote:
> >>> That's all I seem to have heard, too, but I only listened through the
> >>> first 5 minutes or so.
> >>
> >> Same here. Very experimental :-)
> >
> > Yes. I do think I here heartbeats. I think it's real heartbeats. I did
> > listen with a stethoscope to my first son when my wife was pregnant. This
> > sounds the same.
> Now I know this is an insult. It is malicious or just trying to be funny?
Insult???? Being funny??? Do you have a problem?? You share your piece. I
think I hear heartbeats that I find interesting and I compare it to one of the
most precious moments of my life. Being funny??? Hey buddy. You don't deserve
And for the record. I sat in a chair in the living room and my wife happened
to hear your sound palate and made a remark that was precisely mine.
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Received on Sat Jan 30 04:15:05 2010
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