Ketil Thorgersen wrote:
> I am a music educational researcher in Sweden who have several years
> of linux experience as a user. Now I have began to invesitigate music
> education and open source. I have several approaches to this sucha as
> a philosophical analysis of open source in relation to music education
> and a planned action research project with teachers with no previous
> knowledge of linux as a creative tool.
> Now I am looking for examples of music teachers with experience of
> using linux in their classrooms in order to investigate how thy have
> approached this, which problems they have encountered (and solved?)
> and so forth. This is important in order to document and analyse
> existing and previous practice in order to document leard from it so
> that not everyone will need to constantly reinvent the wheel.
> I know I have read on this list about people using linux in their
> teaching of music. I would very much like to get in contact with such
> teachers. I some of you teach or know of some teachers who use linux,
> please contact me!
Hi Ketil,
I use Linux for all my teaching purposes. I prepare scores with
LilyPond, I record student pieces with Ardour, I make DVDs of their
recitals using Linux software to capture and arrange video from my
miniDV camera, we use Audacity to learn material, et cetera et cetera.
I've written some articles you might find useful:
I've also written articles about specific software packages and how I
use them with my students and in my own projects. A partial list can be
found here:
I've had a few students get into Linux themselves, but most use either
Windows or Mac music software at home.
Best regards,
Dave Phillips
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Jun 12 04:15:02 2010
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