Re: [LAU] ASCAP Assails Free-Culture, Digital-Rights Groups

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 03 2010 - 16:17:00 EEST

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 6:49 AM, david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Snobbery in action. I think Europe has an advantage over America when it
> comes to art. There's a lot more interest in and support for art all over
> Europe than there is here. I think part of it is that in America a number of
> art forms now appear to be supported solely via government or other grants
> doled out by small groups of people who quite gave up caring what anyone
> else thinks. They've become their own little "cool in-groups." (See comments
> above about teen herds?)

I think (based on my experience living in Berlin 18 months ago, and
growing up in the UK, but having lived in the US for 21 years) that
you have this backwards.

Non-commercial art is *vastly* more subsidized by grants in Europe
than in the US, and there is a really strong belief that its part of
the role of government, or even more broadly, society as a whole, to
support "stuff that doesn't necessarily sell". The audiences are
small, but committed. In the US, this sort of thing seems to be
entirely audience-supported, which is to say not very supported at
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Received on Sat Jul 3 20:15:02 2010

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