Re: [LAU] linuxDSP LV2 plugins for Ardour and linux DAWs

From: Florian Faber <faber@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 25 2010 - 19:13:34 EEST

On 07/25/10 17:35, Louigi Verona wrote:
> Which brings us to the point of basically saying that some software
> seems to better off if it is proprietary.
> Right?

No. OSS secures my investment because I am able to make sure it works
myself. I don't have to rely on any single company to supply me with
upgrades, that stops supporting it or tells me that the product doesn't
run with device X (and leaves it that way).


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Received on Sun Jul 25 20:15:07 2010

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