On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 06:13:34PM +0200, Florian Faber wrote:
> On 07/25/10 17:35, Louigi Verona wrote:
> > Which brings us to the point of basically saying that some software
> > seems to better off if it is proprietary.
> > Right?
> No. OSS secures my investment because I am able to make sure it works
> myself. I don't have to rely on any single company to supply me with
> upgrades, that stops supporting it or tells me that the product doesn't
> run with device X (and leaves it that way).
That's a biggie, particularly in the world of plugins.
The plains are littered with the carcasses of orphaned VST's.
Also, it's possible that a lot of the plugins out there-- particularly closed VST's-- are just eye candy, and the code actually is horrid. We'll never know, because we can't read it. You certainly can't tell good code from bad code by looking at the sick GUI they put on top of it.
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Received on Mon Jul 26 00:15:02 2010
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