Re: [LAU] ceres

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 10 2010 - 15:05:39 EEST

Julien Claassen wrote:
> I don't work with graphics much, but I know this much: GTK1 and GTK2
> have some differences. That's why there are apps, which offer a choice
> of gtk1 or gtk2. If you can install gtk1 as well. It seems, that gtk2
> doesn't have the same script for finding configuration options (the
> glib-config).
> If there's no gtk1 package for your Ubuntu version, then - I think -
> there's nothing but to say: tough luck. Or dabble with the source code
> itself. though that might be a bigger project.

It looks as though menno doesn't have some dev packages installed.

I'm running 10.04 here, I'll try building Ceres today and will report on
my success/failure.

> Isn't ceres a frontend for csound? If so: then there are other
> frontneds, which are acutally maintained. If not, then there are at
> least other synth alternatives.

It will produce scores for Csound, but it's not a Csound front-end.

The only other synth like it is Mammut. Both are spectral
editors/resynthesizers. Ceres is wonderful, you can create some
remarkable sounds with its tools.

Perhaps Kjetil will add some further notes ?



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Received on Tue Aug 10 16:15:03 2010

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