Re: [LAU] simpel audio editor for both linux and win xp

From: Thomas Hedegaard <thomas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 02 2010 - 09:12:47 EEST

2010/9/1 Remon Sijrier <>

> > Looks good. Good interface.
> thanks
> > > You are saying there is no plugin support what so ever in the windows
> >
> > version?
> If slv2 isn't ported to windows, then currently you're out of luck.
> To remedy this situation, it is planned to compile some good standard
> plugins
> into traverso, so you can use those on each platform. (limiter, compressor,
> eq
> etc)

 Please let me know when that happens

> > Is it possible to export to mp3 in the windows version?
> the windows build doesn't have mp3 support enabled, something about patent
> or
> copyright so it's not allowed to distribute binaries with mp3 export
> compiled
> in in certain countries.
> The solution is to compile T again on Windows and enable mp3 export
> support.....
> Is there a howto on that somewhere...

> Eventually I hope to fix this by making it a plugin, so you only have to
> download the mp3 plugin for mp3 export...
> And (you might have heard this one before): why not use ogg instead ? :D
> Would love to use ogg. But I transfer the files to my students cellphones
and they dont usually have ogg support..

Kind Regards Thomas

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Received on Thu Sep 2 12:15:01 2010

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