fons@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 06:48:02PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
>> impressive. loved the virtual sellotape on the recording room door :)
Sorry, but the door texture (including the poster) was a real photograph
of the real door of the recording room, also the surrounding stones. I
just had to recreate the door latch.
> I loved the sound of the stone moving. How was it made ?
Hah, that was easy: Two brick stones, moving on each other with a bit of
force. The opening stone was original pitch (but with an equalizer,
multiband eq by steve harris, settings 100Hz +5.1dB, 156Hz +15.3dB,
220Hz +17.3dB, 311Hz+7 dB, 3500Hz -12.2dB, 5k -7dB, 10k -14dB...),
followed by GVerb, roomsize 123 m, rev. time 4.2s, dry -17.8dB, early
-18.5dB, tail -10dB (well, I could have decreased the channel gain, but
I ended here). The closing stone was slowed down by a factor of 2 (but
with the same plugins, it was the same track).
>> next time you meet for a recording session, would you mind me
>> crashing the party with an ambisonic mike in the middle?
> Again same here :-) If ever you are near to Parma I won't hesitate
> to load my car with some fancy recording gear and have a go at it.
Our original plan was to make the recording in Italy (with nice weather,
having a good wine after work, in a nice church or castello), it was
just because of budget and time limitations that we did it more to the
north. But I am sure we will come to Italy sooner or later, this music
very much belongs to that place...
- Giso
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Received on Sun Sep 5 00:15:04 2010
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