H> I haven't seen any other sample manager programs for Linux, but I
H> think I'm not the only one who uses samples and wants to manage
H> them (and preview them and maybe sort them with tags also).
I miss such a general sound database-tool, and have been wanting to put
something together for a while, perhaps based on emacs' org-mode.
Something like what f-spot does for photos: keep pointers to diskfiles,
hierarchical systems of tags, presenting all sorts of specialized
collections of sounds with arbitrary combinations of tags. Managing
files and regions in files, exporting regionlists, collections,
organizing, copying, linking files, creating diskfiles out of
Obviously adapted to work with sound, giving easy access to listening.
Storing waveform-overviews/spectrograms etc. would be great, but perhaps
not very important if the sound-object can easily be handled by
arbitrary external apps?
To work well with recordings and sound it would need to handle 'regions'
of some sort (ie start and duration) in a diskfile. I often make and
use recordings where lots of things happen inside the same take, and
isolating sounds in different files is seldom a relevant approach.
In my work, the categories (what would constitute a 'tag') would soon
become rather abstract i guess...
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Received on Mon Nov 29 00:15:04 2010
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