Greetings my well-spken friend!
Honest words, frankly spken. :-) Well I think you might start with the right
samples. As hydrogen can work with simple .wav files, you should have a big
choice of sampling CDs or download sets from the net. I know, that there are
quite a few people specialising in electronic drums and loops. Of course it's
work getting them in hydrogen, you have to create your own kit. that is a lot
of dull work ahead of you, but quite fun, if you find the right stuff.
Well if you find something roughly to your tastes you might try tools like
csound (and its GUIs!), audacity maybe or other sound editors to process the
samples to be exactly as you want them. I'm not quite sure what triphop is
exactly, I only have a vague notion. But I suppose you can try some distortion
or overdrive, like for guitars. There are LADSPA effects for that. And if you
think of guitar effect, you can always try rakarak, it's meant for guitarists
and thus should look straightforward and no nonsense. :-) You may also try
Steve Harris' Vynil lADSPA plugin. If you have the SWH plugins installed -
they come with most (if not all distros) - you will have it directly. It's an
old LP vinyl effect, very good at what it does. You can load LADSPA plugns in
most newer editing software. Of course you can use a "lowpass filter" (just to
mention a nemesis) to make your drums sound a bit duller and get lofi. I
suppose, that's part of what they call lofi. :-) A lowpassfilter just takes
the brilliance away from the sound.
If you want to start experimenting with effects and find out what they are,
which is the easiest and most comprehensive route to them, I suggest, get a
program like jackrack or something and just load LADSPA plugins in it and try
turning the knobs and sliding the sliders. When you get to the real effects,
most of them should be quite obvious. :-)
Have fun! I hope I could help you a little in your quest.
Kindly yours
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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