On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 3:01 PM, rosea.grammostola <
rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> @Louigi, People suggested you to learn SuperCollider, which you didn't
> like because of the difficulty and time you have to invest to learn it.
> But a while ago I came with the suggestion / idea to make plugins out of
> Supercollider code. There seems to be some kind of Csound to LADSPA plugin
> format / host, and there is SuperCollder to VST iirc.
> Faust would be another option for such kind of stuff.
> Anyway, here is that discussion
> http://lalists.stanford.edu/lau/2009/09/0447.html
> Regards,
> \r
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Yeah, true, SC, also PD - all of them did not suit me. I tried Processing
and made a couple of audio apps, but Java does not see my USB soundcard so
Processing, which is VERY unfortunate, is not of use to me. But Minim (audio
library for Processing) is the kind of an approach for a non-programmer -
where initiating audio is basically one or two lines of code.
But for a programmer perhaps JACK documentation is quite well kept, though,
no criticism there.
-- Louigi Verona http://www.louigiverona.ru/
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 14 16:15:05 2011
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