Le 10/01/2011 17:33, Jorge Salgueiro a écrit :
> 1. freewheeling needs love. Brave coder take a step to front :D
I love it :)
I had great moment playing with it.
After JP Mercury has left fweelin developpement I had to admit that I
needed to find another live looping app.
I tried sooperlooper, it's great! not as fun as fweelin but rock solid
and efficient.
> 2. I have some problems that I don't if they are from freewheeling or
> from my kxstudio system. Yes I'm not a coder and I barely can
> understand what happens and why it happens. If you guys what to help
> me and need more info on the problems that I have just ask me.
If you want to continue to use freewheeling you have to Do It Yourself,
I wasn't able to use default key
bindings with non US keyboard you have to understand and modify
~/.fheelin/*.xml (look at config-help.txt for the key codes and also a
console output to see actual key code when you press a key)
It is very time consuming, but if you are a DIYer you'll have great
moment, because you
can do many things with the XML configuration.
But IMHO you should not (unless a new dev take the lead) loose to much
time on a unmaintained application, one day it will not work and linux
distro maintainers will stop packaging it :(
Yes it's sad... especially because fweelin is (one of?) the best audio
app I ever used...
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