On 01/17/2011 12:25 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
>> IIRC, Julien and some other folks were involved in writing an
>> alternative to Jamin, called NAMA, and it runs using ecasound and
>> Perl. ISTR also that Fons offered them some advice on how to do the
>> xover filter correctly, and they accepted it and made use of it.
>> I'm looking forward to trying it out for the next Better Than Lahar
>> album. The mastering was the weak link in the first album, and I don't
>> wish to repeat the same mistake.
>> As for patching JAMIN, the offending code appears to be in process.c,
>> around line #452 or so, in the process_signal() jack callback
>> function. But I don't understand what that code is doing well enough
>> to actually produce a patch, and I'm not going to use JAMIN anymore
>> anyway.
> What will you use instead?
He mentions NAMA. You could also try setting up a mastering chain with
the help of plugins in your DAW. Only thing that lacks then is a
spectrum analyser, or is there a plug-in that can do this?
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Received on Mon Jan 17 16:15:04 2011
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