after much head-scratching I finally figured out how to add layers (aka
'dimensions') to a sample instrument in LinuxSampler/Gigedit
q: so let's say I have 3 samples as 3 dimensions stacked on one key
I can slide the window around so that with increasing note-on velocity
samples 2 & 3 will play
I can also drag the velocity windows (i.e. making them wider or
narrower) for each sample in a 'stack'
but there is no indication as to where the breakpoints occur for velocity
q: does anyone know how to determine the numerical value of the break
points for each dimension's velocity 'window'?
I open the bank window and create an instrument slot by first selecting
the 'write' button and clicking on an empty slot and naming it 'foo'
I start fiddling with params get a sound I like
wanting to store this
I click on the 'write' button again
then click on the slot called 'foo'
thinking I've saved the sound to slot 'foo'
I click on another instrument and then click back on the 'foo' sound I
and the sound is the default sine wave
q: can someone tell me how to save an individual sound into a bank?
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Received on Wed Jan 19 08:15:02 2011
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