On 01/24/2011 08:43 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, dmotd wrote:
>> have started searching for a replacement. Unfortunately the
>> marketplace has substantially changed since my last search and in this
>> period it seems that both firewire (400+800) and pc expansion ports
>> have been for the most part eradicated. As an owner and constant user
>> of a half decent firewire interface (fa-101), and with a rather
>> constrained budget, i would hate to have to ditch it.
> I think you can still get laptops (e.g. ThinkPads) with ExpressCard[1]
> slots... and that there are also Firewire/ExpressCard interfaces. Have
> you checked in to those?
for the record, i'm running a focusrite saffire pro26 on a lenovo x201
using a dawicontrol express card with two 1394 ports. works ok reliably
for live recording, but not at low latencies.
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Received on Tue Jan 25 04:15:02 2011
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