Kim Cascone wrote:
>> Hello Kim,
>> Yes I know that article, which is very biased I think, but I was
>> referring to your article on CDM in which you state that for music
>> production on Linux one only needs ALSA (or FFADO for FireWire) and JACK.
> I see - this is correct and true - until one encounters other legacy
> layers which might present problems -- I have a vague memory of needing
> to add a Jack<-->ALSA midi bridge for Yoshimi synth as well as some sort
> of OSS ALSA mod for some other app to work - sorry but details are fuzzy -
Not true of Yoshimi. Yoshimi does both JACK and ALSA, for either MIDI or
Zyn is less cooperative.
> Bedroom software developers have never had to learn to
> eat their own dogfood.
Actually, that is why many of the apps are the way they are. Their
developers made them that way because they do use them, often daily.
(Many open source apps came about because some programmer had an itch,
and scratched it.) It works fine for them, so why should they change it
to fit some "amateur's idea" of how the program should work?
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Mar 4 00:15:02 2011
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