On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Renato <rennabh@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Mar 2011 13:24:52 -0500
> Thomas Vecchione <seablaede@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Here is the thing, Time IS Money. One way or another, time invested
> > in systems and software means time not spent making money, or even
> > money spent learning these things. This ties directly into my next
> > response which I will cover in a moment...
> I'm sorry, but saying that time spent reading a book or whatever is
> money because in that time you could have made money is really twisted
> reasoning IMHO. You could just as well say time is muffins (it's
> allmost dinner time here ;))
Actually believe it or not, time spent reading a book etc. IS money. Funny
you should use that example as I just got emailed a book suggestion off list
by someone participating in this conversation, my specific response?
"I will have to read the book, but it may be a while as I am literally
taking vacation from my full time work at the moment to catch up on my
freelance work." (Paraphrase)
Time IS Money. The time it would take me to read that book is quite
literally an investment for me, and right now I need to invest that time
into making money rather than spending it due to an upcoming financial
situation I see in my near future.
> I didn't say that. Of course a base level of user friendliness is
> welcome, I would never bother with LFS, but here we were talking about
> no need to use a terminal, which is a way way way higher level of user
> friendliness.
> .....
> yes, you're right, user friendliness isn't evil and I don't actually
> dislike it, I just don't want it to get in my way. But again I never
> said "I don't want a user friendly system".
> I really think that yours was a knee-jerk response, you labeled me as
> the hardcore-terminal-only guy and went with that, without actually
> thinking of what I had written.
Actually I never labeled you as such, but in as far as you stating you did
or did not want a user friendly system, here is exactly what I based my
response you quoted off of...
I allready stated more or less this, but I'd like to say it again, in other
> words. If I wanted a user friendly OS, I wouldn't be using linux, but
> probably OSX.
Which is exactly what you typed, and the way it is typed indicates that you
are not using OS X because it is user friendly, which as I pointed out I
don't think is what you actually meant. I never stated anything about you
being a hardcore terminal user, whether you are or are not is not really
part of my point anyways, but rather I stated that that specific statement
is a fallacy for the reasons I gave.
Just for the sake of clarity, I was picking on your response, not on you
yourself;) Also for the record, I enjoy using the terminal myself in any OS
often for various reasons.
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