Atte André Jensen wrote:
> On 03/05/2011 10:12 AM, linuxdsp wrote:
> > Have you any other native VSTs showing up in Renoise?
> Yes, they reside in ~/.vst, that seems to be the default place renoise
> looks even if $VST_PATH is empty (which mine was).
> > You need to set
> > the VST_PATH environment variable to point to the location of your vst
> > plugins directory
> Ok I tried putting the path of the plugin into VST_PATH:
> atte@email-addr-hidden:~$ locate linuxsampler | grep so$
> /usr/lib/linuxsampler/
> /usr/lib/lv2/linuxsampler.lv2/
> atte@email-addr-hidden:~/.vst$ export VST_PATH=/usr/lib/linuxsampler/
> atte@email-addr-hidden:~/.vst$ echo $VST_PATH
> /usr/lib/linuxsampler/
> Still nothing linuxsampler related in renoise.
> > (I usually create $HOME/vst_plugins and put the .so
> > files in there, but you will need to find where linux sampler installed
> > itself to) and then when you start renoise you need to go to
> > Edit->Preferences->Plug/Misc and check the "Enable VST plugins
> > (configure via 'VST_PATH')" option.
> That was checked alreade. I also tried both symlinking and copying
> /usr/lib/linuxsampler/ into ~/.vst but that didn't
> work either...
> What to do?
> NB: Found this (1 year old) that suggests it at least wasn't possible at
> that time:
Ok, I haven't a lot of experience with trying to run linuxsampler as a
VST, it may be that it just doesn't work. I just thought it might be
that you didn't have it installed in the right place and / or renoise
configured correctly, as it is not immediately apparent how to configure
renoise for VSTs if you haven't done it previously.
I'm doing some work on linuxVSTs and I'm running renoise at the moment,
so if I get some time I'll investigate running linuxsampler and see what
happens (unless someone else can provide the answer first? )
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