Re: [LAU] Linux Audio Monthly Round-Up #7 - February 2011

From: Q <lists@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 08 2011 - 16:38:51 EET

Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
> Hello RafaƂ,
> Properly licensed: CC or any other licence that allows for
> redistribution without prior consent.
> Easily available: direct links to music files or embedded players (like
> SoundCloud, Jamendo or even YouTube). So no RapidShare, SendSpace or
> similar services.
> Best,
> Jeremy

Why so restrictive, why not include full (C) Copyright All Rights
Reserved stuff?

Putting it on another website, torrenting, emailing it, transferring it
to other people's drives etc would be distributing without the copyright
holder's permission (assuming it hasn't been explicity given).

If all you're doing is providing a link to something somewhere on the
web, that's not distributing in contravention of the licence as far as I
know and just linking to it seems to be fine in many countries.

I suppose ultimately, it's your wording I object to -- copyright
includes a proper licence, just a more restrictive one than the Creative
Commons copyright licences.

Linux, and Linux audio, users are a diverse group and not all of us
subscribe to the "everything should be totally free for anyone to do
anything they like with it" thinking and it can be a bit alienating to
be treated as if it were a homogeneous group.

Also, you could end up overlooking a lot of good music by not using full
copyrighted works. Wouldn't quality or interest (however you personally
judge those) be better criteria for inclusion?

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 8 20:15:02 2011

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