Re: [LAU] Music app accessibility (Was: Re: Editing zynadsuxfx/yoshimi patches?)

From: Robert Jonsson <spamatica@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 20 2011 - 20:24:35 EEST

Hej Julien,

Much thanks for that information. Gives some perspective for new
thinking. And that the "bad guys" are capable of some really neat
innovations. :)
I skimmed the other thread and saw that audio applications, not
surprisingly, were mostly unusable though...


2011/4/20 Julien Claassen <>:
> Hello Robert!
> �Well this thread is already no longer on-topic, that's why I renamed it
> slightly. :-)
> �It really started with the iPhones. At least, there I noticed it for the
> first time. they only have their touchscreen, like many other smart phones
> nowadays. So apple released their screenreader VoiceOver. They use different
> gestures, like take two fingers and pull them down on the display ad the
> volume is lowered. You can use your finger to move across the full screen
> and read element after elemtn to you or you can activate a mode, where you
> can jump ahead to every next element. So they actually started getting fame
> from their phones and now they use the same system available for the
> notebooks. You can use the pad - as I udnerstand - to make your gestures and
> use the different modes to jump across the screen, find things, activate
> them and so on. there are many more ideas to make it easier. And I've heard,
> that more and more blind people change to iPhones or ipod touch, because
> they like it and can be very fast with them, if they have to be. It takes
> some learning, but it always takes learning, to adapt to an assistive
> technology. You always have to get to know the OS and then the logic behind
> the accessibility software. So I guess that's fair enough. :-)
> �I never used them myself though. Not a mobile phone person and I can't
> afford any notebook, not to speak of expensive macbooks. :-) Anyway, a
> desktop is more reliable in the long run and can be more powerful. For the
> time being I'm happy to have no mobile system.
> �Warm regards
> � � � � �Julien
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