On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 2:26 AM, Leigh Dyer <lsd@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 30/04/11 08:25, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> I apologize for cross posting. I asked this on Alsa-Users a couple of
>> days ago but haven't received any responses. As it's about shopping I
>> might do this weekend I figured I'd try here also. Thanks in advance.
>> I'd like to pick up something to do simple mobile recording gigs with
>> my laptop. It needs to be USB 2.0 based, have 2 XLR inputs, support
>> headphone monitoring and preferably do 96KHz.
> I wonder whether one of these would work (warning, Flash-intensive site):
> http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/komplete-audio-6/
> Previous NI USB 2.0 devices have been supported for a while (using the ALSA
> caiaq driver), though it sounds like these latest devices might actually be
> USB2 class-compliant. One user reports (eventual) success with the Traktor
> Audio 6, which as far as I can tell is the same device as the Komplete, but
> without the preamps:
> http://www.native-instruments.de/forum/showthread.php?t=136907
> Has anyone heard more about these?
> Thanks
> Leigh
On the surface I like this one but it's bus powered so until I
determine if my laptop will supply bus power I'll have to hang tight.
Also the street price is $50-$100 more than I wanted to pay. If anyone
knows anything about the quality of the pre's then I'd maybe go a bit
higher than the $200-$250 wanted to spend.
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Received on Mon May 2 04:15:01 2011
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